Alexandra King Dance

A FolkloricBallet

Become a Seraglio Sponsor
Your contribution will give you exposure to up to 2,400 people at the performance,
up to 65,000 people in promotional materials,
Plus, the program is shared long after the performance
Suggested Levels of Contributions
Company/Brand announcement by our Host for the night.
Logo placement on the official event poster displayed by the stage in the theater and outside the theater.
Logo placement on event ticket page
Logo placement in all print marketing.
Your support is mentioned on Seraglio’s social media platforms and in all TV, radio and print media interviews
(6 ) Complimentary tickets in orchestra seating.
Emerald: $75,000- $99,000
Logo placement on official event poster displayed outside the theatre and by the stage in the theater.
Logo in the Sponsors section on the Seraglio website
Brand support is mentioned on Seraglio’s social media platforms.
Logo placement on the event ticket page.
Logo placement and acknowledgment in the program book.
(5) Complimentary Tickets in orchestra seating.
Ruby: $50,000- $74,000
Logo placement on official event poster displayed outside the theatre and by the stage in the theater.
Logo in the Sponsors section on the Seraglio website
Brand support is mentioned on Seraglio’s social media platforms.
Logo placement on the event ticket page.
Logo placement and acknowledgment in the program book
(4) Complimentary tickets in orchestra seating
Pearl: $25,000 - $49,000
Logo placement on official event poster 40x60 displayed outside the theatre.
Logo in the Sponsors section on the Seraglio website
Brand tag and support are mentioned on Seraglio’s social media platforms.
Logo placement on the event ticket page Logo placement and acknowledgment in the program book
(3) Complimentary tickets in orchestra seating.
Sapphire: $10,000 - $24,000
Logo in the Sponsors section on the Seraglio website
Brand tag and support are mentioned on Seraglio’s social media platforms.
Logo placement and acknowledgment in the program book
(2) Complimentary tickets in orchestra seating.
Amethyst: $1,000- $9,000
Brand tag and support are mentioned on Seraglio’s social media platforms.
Logo placement and acknowledgment in the program book
(2) Complimentary tickets in orchestra seating
Aquamarine: $250 - $900
Logo on official Seraglio website and all social media platforms.
Logo placement on event ticket page.
(2) Complimentary tickets in orchestra seating.
Are you ready to become a Sponsor?
Thank You to Our Business Sponsors!